Mancuimp Haunting

So i was playing brutul doom... and when I was playin.. some, RANDOM god forsaken Imp pops up... however. You say this is normal in doom. but this was diff. its face... had the face of mancubus ... You may say glitch.. however, the next day a real life mancubus came to my door and kill every1 in family.
i run, barely make it. then the mancuimp I saw in game shows up. throws fireball at me, hit. almost die, but still life. i then shoot my water pistol at it... it runs into forest. it still may be there, but am too scared to check. I could call authorites like a normal person, but this is a creepypasta and people are stupid in these. so to dis day i am scarred that mancuimp will show up at door, kill me with fire ball. Send me to hell. I did see a facebook message however, from some one called John, and the person who designed Doom is named John Romero, so perhaps this is a way to tell me that the mancuimp is going to kill me?? spread the word, do NOT be haunted by this creature!